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The initial shock when you get tinnitus

For those who suffer or have suffered tinnitus, the ringing in the ears can become so unbearable that it’s hard to imagine that it’s here to stay.

(Note: go to this article to read about “What is tinnitus, its causes and treatments“)

It’s difficult to fathom a life with this incessant set of noises that always accompany you, day and night. For many people, it can resemble an authentic Chinese torture or one of the twisted stories of Stephen King, where the protagonist is at the mercy of their worst nightmares.

The prospect of adapting to a similar situation with no time frames to cling to, the lack of information provided by health services and the fatigue and stress that our body has been accumulating since we first noticed those beeps, makes many people feel unable to move forward.

Don’t let your attitude bring you down

However, you have to make the effort and keep going until the condition improves, because it will improve, either because the ringing is decreasing or because you end up getting used to it.

No one is known to have died of tinnitus. The only reality is that tinnitus does not cause other diseases, it is your attitude to tinnitus that can cause them, but not tinnitus itself.

This is important to keep in mind because many people complain that their tinnitus makes them stressed, tired or sad, but it is their reaction to their tinnitus that makes them feel this way, not the tinnitus itself.

So for all those who, like me, harbor the hope that one day your tinnitus will improve or leave, it is also important to accept that it may not improve for now and we must learn to cope with it in the best possible way.

The dangerous role of stress

So the acceptance of our condition is a key factor for recovery. Denial is a feeling of resistance to a current situation and, as such, all resistance causes pain and is an enemy of recovery.

Every process of recovery must take place in conditions of acceptance, where the body and mind are both fully equipped for regeneration.

Stress, on the contrary, causes inflammation, and inflammation in turn affects our ears. In addition, stress triggers a state of alertness in our body that causes an increase in blood pressure and muscle tension, dilation of the pupils, muscle tension, and increased heart rate and breathing, which can cause insomnia, anxiety and a host of other disorders, because the brain is sending a message to our body that it is in danger.

The reality is that it’s a false sense of danger, because nothing is threatening our life as such. Therefore, the first objective is to leave the body and mind free of stress.

Stress monopolises huge amounts of our energy which is then wasted. Remember that stress is so negative that in many cases it can be the very cause of tinnitus.

The objective, then, is to be able to have all that energy to use in your recovery and return to equilibrium. Only then can we find ourselves getting better.


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